
Graduated at 2023

Yen-Bo Chen
Thesis: 利用深度學習方法預測肺結核病患之變化
Predicting the outcome of the tuberculosis patients by utilizing deep learning methods
Kuan-Liang Kuo
Thesis: 利用階層注意力時序機制滾動式預測急性腎衰竭風險
Rolling prediction of acute kidney injury using hierarchical attention mechanism and time series model
Yu-Liang Tsai
Thesis: 利用階層注意力時序機制滾動式預測急性腎衰竭風險
Rolling prediction of acute kidney injury using hierarchical attention mechanism and time series model
Tsung-Han Wu
Thesis: 基於時序性注意力模型預測透析低血壓事件
Predicting Intradialytic Hypotension via Time-Aware Attention Networks

Graduated at 2022

Sheng Yang
Thesis: 基於Transformer萃取時序性重要特徵以急性腎衰竭為例
Extracting important features of acute kidney injury based on Transformer.                                     
Kuan-Yu Chen
Thesis: 利用深度學習於腦部MRI以判斷認知功能障礙
Using MRI Image for Predicting Cognitive Dysfunction by Deep Neural Network
Cheng-Yung Cho
Thesis: 基於AI圖像分割預測肺結核病灶位置
Predicting the location of pulmonary tuberculosis lesions based on AI image segmentation
Yuan-Chi Cui
Thesis: 基於AI圖像分割預測肺結核病灶位置
Predicting the location of pulmonary tuberculosis lesions based on AI image segmentation

Graduated at 2021

Tse-Sung Hsu
Thesis: 基於U-net協助醫師定量標註間質性肺病面積
Assisting physicians to quantitatively label the area of interstitial lung disease based on U-net 
Kang-Tsu Liu
Thesis: 基於U-net協助醫師定量標註間質性肺病面積
Assisting physicians to quantitatively label the area of interstitial lung disease based on U-net 
Ling-Hsuan Ying
Thesis: 智腎關鍵─人工智慧即時預測急性腎衰竭
AKI Helper: Real-time Acute Kidney Injury Prediction
Yu-Chieh Chou
Thesis: 智腎關鍵─人工智慧即時預測急性腎衰竭
AKI Helper: Real-time Acute Kidney Injury Prediction
Pin-Yu Lin
Thesis: 智腎關鍵─人工智慧即時預測急性腎衰竭
AKI Helper: Real-time Acute Kidney Injury Prediction

Graduated at 2020

Yi-Ning Chen
Thesis: 居家電影小幫手-基於臉部情緒辨識之個人化電影推薦平台
iFaceREC-movie recommender system based on face recognition 
Yu-Chun Liao
Thesis: 居家電影小幫手-基於臉部情緒辨識之個人化電影推薦平台
iFaceREC-movie recommender system based on face recognition
Chien-Chia Ho
Thesis: 慧讀 – 基於衛教測驗結果建立個人化閱讀清單推薦
SmartRead – Personalizes Reading Article Recommendation Based on a Health Education Test Result
Po-Yang Tsai
Thesis: 慧讀 – 基於衛教測驗結果建立個人化閱讀清單推薦
SmartRead – Personalizes Reading Article Recommendation Based on a Health Education Test Result

Graduated at 2019

Chuang-Wei Chueh
Thesis: 實作一個自動趣圖聊天對話機器人
Meme Chatbot on Zenbo                                                                                                 
Chu-Chia Chen
Thesis: 實作一個自動趣圖聊天對話機器人
Meme Chatbot on Zenbo
Hsuan-Wei Yeh
Thesis: 實作一個自動趣圖聊天對話機器人
Meme Chatbot on Zenbo

Graduated at 2018

Wei-Cheng Huang
Thesis: 測漏行不行:從數據中分析漏水事件的發生
Detect leakage from data                                                                                                                       
Wei-Yi Tung
Thesis: 測漏行不行:從數據中分析漏水事件的發生
Detect leakage from data
Cheng-Jui Liu
Thesis: 測漏行不行:從數據中分析漏水事件的發生
Detect leakage from data
Chih-Hao Chu
Thesis: 測漏行不行:從數據中分析漏水事件的發生
Detect leakage from data
Ting-An Tsai
Thesis: 癌呀!沒事 – 癌症照護小幫手
I~t’s Ok! – Cancer Caregiver
Kai-Yun Cheng
Thesis: Wake Up! Make Up! – 個人化美妝推薦
Wake Up! Make Up! – A Personalized Cosmetic Recommendation System
Shu-Wei Chang
Thesis: KonMa 聊天機器人-寵物愛好者平台
KonMa Bot – Pet Lovers Platform
Chien-Chu Lin
Thesis: 解憂小精靈───聆聽憂鬱情緒的對話機器人
Nepelf───The listener for depression

Graduated at 2017

Wan-Ling Chiu
Thesis: 「i美女孩」— 智慧行動女性健康照護管家
「iGirls 」— Girls’ Health Management                                                                                              
Ying-Hua Lo
Thesis: 「i美女孩」— 智慧行動女性健康照護管家
「iGirls 」— Girls’ Health Management
Po-An Yen
Thesis: 通話即時語音辨識便條紙

Graduated at 2016

Yu-Kai Hung
Thesis: 電子註記病歷
CHET(Case History with Electronic Tags)                                                                                             
Tsung-Hsien Tsai
Thesis: 防詐騙騷擾應用程式
Wen-Pin Peng
Thesis: 防詐騙騷擾應用程式
Chia-Tse Chang
Thesis: 前列腺癌資料及診斷預測模型
Prostate cancer diagnosis prediction model
Yu-Fu Wang
Thesis: 前列腺癌資料及診斷預測模型
Prostate cancer diagnosis prediction model

Graduated at 2015

Ching-Yi Wang
Thesis: 利用臉書活動紀錄實作空閒時間計算與其應用
Develop a system for leisure time calculation and application using Facebook activity logs                 
Kuan-Lin Yu
Thesis: Play商店惡意程式過濾器
Play Store Mal-Application Filter
Yen-Lin Chen
Thesis: 利用智慧型行動裝置實作憂鬱症紀錄與溝通平台
Using smart mobile devices for implement depression record and communication platform

Graduated at 2014

Yun-Kai Wang
Thesis: 直覺式急難救助指導系統 - 基於Android 行動裝置
The Intuitive First Aid Guidance Application Based on Android Mobile Devices                                 
Ting-Yu Ling
Thesis: 直覺式急難救助指導系統 - 基於Android 行動裝置
The Intuitive First Aid Guidance Application Based on Android Mobile Devices
Yu-Sheng Fang
Thesis: 「I-Home」— 加強家庭關係之互動式幼兒遊戲設計與開發-以Android系統為例
「I-Home」— An interactive game to strengthen family relationships Designed on Android Tablet
Wan-Ping Tsai
Thesis: 「I-Home」— 加強家庭關係之互動式幼兒遊戲設計與開發-以Android系統為例
「I-Home」— An interactive game to strengthen family relationships Designed on Android Tablet
Che-An Lin
Thesis: 一個基於成對文件相似度計算之視覺化Android Apps搜尋系統
A Visualized Android Apps Search System Based on Pairwise Document Similarity

Graduated at 2013

Chia-Chi Chang
Thesis: 勇闖烏迪島:結合GPS之手機體感遊戲開發與應用
Unknown Desolate Island: The Development and Application of the Mobile Game Combined GPS and Motion Sensor
Ya-Ting Chang
Thesis: 勇闖烏迪島:結合GPS之手機體感遊戲開發與應用
Unknown Desolate Island: The Development and Application of the Mobile Game Combined GPS and Motion Sensor
Po-Han Chen
Thesis: 食材達人 – 結合健康飲食搭配之手機養成遊戲
Food Master – The Android Application for Healthy Food Combining
Li-Hao Liang
Thesis: 食材達人 – 結合健康飲食搭配之手機養成遊戲
Food Master – The Android Application for Healthy Food Combining
Ma-Li Lin
Thesis:  基於Android智慧型手機的健身遊戲設計與實作
Design and Implementation of the Fitness Game Based on Android Smart Phone

Graduated at 2012

Kung-Yu Chen
Thesis: 我願意餵你 –結合健康飲食與社群網路之寵物養成系統於Android平台
Nice to feed you – The Combination of Health Diet and Social Network Applied to the Growing Game on Android
Mao-Chia Sang
Thesis: 我願意餵你 –結合健康飲食與社群網路之寵物養成系統於Android平台
Nice to feed you – The Combination of Health Diet and Social Network Applied to the Growing Game on Android
Hsiang-Chuan Su
Thesis: O~SPORT – 結合手機動能感知之養成遊戲
O~SPORT – Activity Recognition System with a Growing Game Application on Smartphone
Chih-Hao Hsu
Thesis: O~SPORT – 結合手機動能感知之養成遊戲
O~SPORT – Activity Recognition System with a Growing Game Application on Smartphone

Graduated at 2011

Tao-Cheng Huang
Thesis: 嗨! 我在這裡! –利用手機定位系統追蹤位置
Hey! I’m here! –Use Cell Phone locate system tracking location                                                              

Graduated at 2010

Yu-Cheng Lin
Thesis: 自動化搜尋蛋白質交互作用子網路中重要的生物性主題
A Cytoscape Plugin for Mining Significant Concepts from Complex Protein Interaction Network           
Hui-Ling Chi
Thesis: 自動化搜尋蛋白質交互作用子網路中重要的生物性主題
A Cytoscape Plugin for Mining Significant Concepts from Complex Protein Interaction Network

Graduated at 2009

Hsuan-Chih Chen
Thesis: 整合醫學文件資訊於可擴充疾病風險評估與健康管理系統
An Integrated Information System from Biomedical Documents
for Extendable Disease Risk Estimation and Health Management                                                     
Tse-Chih Lin
Thesis: 發展線上社群互動之網路合購平台
The Development of Internet Group Purchasing Platform of Online Communities Interaction
Tsung-Wei Ke
Thesis: 發展線上社群互動之網路合購平台
The Development of Internet Group Purchasing Platform of Online Communities Interaction
Keng-Chih Fan
Thesis: 發展線上社群互動之網路合購平台
The Development of Internet Group Purchasing Platform of Online Communities Interaction

Graduated at 2008

Yu-Hsiang Chien
Gene Name Recognition System                                                                                                            
Wei-Min Wang
Thesis: 基於SOA技術之自動化客服系統
Customer Service System Based on Service-Oriented Architecture
Chih-Kang Liu
Thesis: 基於SOA技術之自動化客服系統
Customer Service System Based on Service-Oriented Architecture
Ping-Han Li
Thesis: 手持式即時火車時刻查詢系統
A Realtime Handheld Train Schedule Inquire System

Graduated at 2007

Tsung-Wen Yu
Classical Music Q&A System in Chinese                                                                                                   
Kai-Ju Chuang
Thesis: 以基因資訊為主之生物醫學文件探勘系統 — Ver. 2.0 
Gene Information System – GIS Ver. 2.0 
Cheng-Chun Huang
Thesis: 糖尿病患客製式飲食調配衛教系統
Custom-Made Menu and Hygiene Education System for Diabetes Patient
Chi-Chun Chang
Thesis: 英文寫作輔助系統
English Writing Supplementary System

Graduated at 2006

Keng-Min Lin
Thesis: 中醫藥醫療輔助查詢分析系統
Chinese Medicine Query and Analysis Medical Service System                                                                  
Yu-Hung Kuo
Thesis: 基於Linux論壇之問答搜尋系統
A Question Answer Search System on Linux Forums

Graduated at 2005

Ta-Chung Lin
Thesis: CNN.COM Online Summarization System
Web Page Online Summarization System for CNN.COM                                                                               
Yung-Ching Wu
Thesis: 自生醫文件中分析基因關係之系統實作
A Gene Relation Analysis System

Graduated at 2004

Wei-Tang Hsu
Relational Information Retrieval System                                                                                                          
Shih-Chieh Li
Thesis: 關聯性後端自訂搜索系統
Relational Information Retrieval System
He-Chi Huan
Thesis: 醫學文件自動更新系統
Medical Automatic Update System
Chien-Ming Chung
Thesis: 特定生物體蛋白質序列排比
Particular Protein BLAST Network Service